In response to requests from the small island states of the Pacific region, COL, working in partnership with the Pacific Association of Technical, Vocational Education and Training (PATVET) produced a series of courses titled Basic Trade for Small Island Nations. This series provided the resources to teach people in remote communities the basic trade skills for working with timber, concrete and small engines. The series can be found on this link. In order to assist with literacy development to aid in the full utilisation of these resources, COL, working with the Oloamanu Centre of the National University of Samoa and with the support of PATVET, developed a course on basic vocational literacy and numeracy for basic trades.
1. Able to recognise, define, read and write the names of tools, equipment and building material, and use the correct terminologies for working with timber and concrete.
2. Able to relate and interpret the information heard; follow and relay instructions.
3. Able to read, understand and interpret instructions in the workplace.
4. Able to transfer oral language to written language in the same context.
5. Able to measure, calculate and convert numbers and units in the workplace.